

In the terminal, navigate to the location of the tool. Then, change to the /src folder.

>>> cd src

To start the program in quickstart mode, just run the shell script:

>>> ./MedCrawler.sh


>>> bash MedCrawler.sh

depending on your operating system.

This will start the Scraper and send the results directly to the Indexer.

You will be prompted to enter the scraping parameters.

Project: A unique project name to save your results

Plugins: List the plugins you want to use for the web search. Standard pre-installed plugin is wp (WordPress). If you want to use more than one plugin, separate their names by a whitespace.

Search terms: List the search terms for your project. Separate the search terms by a whitespace. If your search term contains any whitespaces, replace them with a plus sign (+). Example: car+insurance motorbike

Number of entries: List the number of entries you want to retrieve for each search term and each plugin.

Confirm the start of the program with (y)es


Data for each project will be stored in the ../projects/ folder.

Command line tool

Instead of quickstart, you can use command line parameters for crawling and plotting. Behaviour depends on the first parameter, which has to be (c)rawl or (p)lot:

Crawl mode parameters (arbitrary order):

-pr, –project: Unique project identifier
-p, –plugins: Plugins to include in search, separated by whitespace Whitespaces within the search terms need to be replaced by a plus sign (+)

Any other input will be interpreted as search keyword or number of terms (if numeric)

>>> ./MedCrawler.sh c -pr Example3 2000 -p wp pain migraine headache

Plotting mode parameters:

-pr, –project: Unique project identifier
-mw, –minweight: Minimum weights to plot
-hl, –highlight (optional): Term to highlight in the plot. With this option, only connections with the specified term will be displayed. This is case-sensitive.

To exclude unwanted terms, prepend them with a slash (‘/’).

Every argument is interpreted as a category. You can define the depth of filtering by typing the first characters of the tree number. You can find the category codes on the MeSH website.

>>> ./MedCrawler.sh p -pr Example1 -mw 10 B01.650 B03 B04 C01 C02 D


If you are not sure, which minweight setting will produce useful results, choose a large one (e.g. 1000). If it is too large to find any connections, you will get a summary of the weight distribution.


You can also directrly call the main.py script with the same parameters. This way, you cannot use the quickstart mode.